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Firstly, all of us at TSS would like to offer our condolences and best wishes if you, your family or your loved ones have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The situation we find ourselves in is unprecedented in modern times, and it will test us all. We believe it is incumbent upon us all to work diligently to protect our businesses and the economies of the countries in which we operate. We would like to assure our customers that we continue to be fully operational, albeit under altered conditions, and will support our customers.

We are closely monitoring the situation and have activated our business continuity plans. All efforts are being made to ensure that we have the appropriate measures in place to protect our staff and systems and minimize disruption to our business. We are taking careful note of the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the instructions of the governments of whichever country our staff are operating in.

We are taking steps to manage the situation appropriately and we have implemented several precautionary procedures that reflect our focus on the following:

The health and safety of everyone we interact with
The continuity of our services
Compliance with government regulations and public health guidance

The following precautions have been taken which include preparations to minimize the risk of impact to our business and the customers that we serve:

  1. A global taskforce has been instigated that meets twice weekly in order to monitor evolution of the situation, and react accordingly
  2. We are monitoring various sources of information on a daily basis in order to ensure that we are acting on the most up to date information. These sources include the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization
  3. We are in regular communication with critical vendors and partners to ensure that there is no interruption to supply chains and support processes
  4. Staff should work from home unless travel is essential to support customers or deliver essential products and services
  5. If staff or visitors to TSS are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath or have visited an area where there is an associated risk (based on the status set out by the Center for Disease Control) within the past 14 days, they will not be allowed to enter a TSS office until advised by TSS
  6. We do not currently require any employee, customer, vendor or other visitors to wear a face mask. We follow local government requirements, and if the situation changes, we will enforce it
  7. We are operating a pre-screening protocol when scheduling meetings with external participants in a TSS office
  8. Where possible our customer support staff are working from home. They have access to all the remote diagnostic systems we use on a day to day basis and are able to visit our labs should it be necessary to re-create a fault on hardware. Staff working from home are equipped with company laptop computers which are fully protected by anti-malware software and VPN systems for encrypted communications. No customer data is held on these laptops
  9. We are aware that cyber-crime increases in times of abnormal operations and have re-assessed and re-tested our security to ensure our systems are protected to the highest standards
  10. We have developed a plan to effectively communicate with customers, counterparties and the public to deliver important news and instructions to employees, along with establishing forums for questions to be asked and addressed
  11. We are continuing to monitor the spread of the Coronavirus, frequently referring to the most up-to-date information and guidance from international health agencies, specifically the World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control (CDC)


We greatly appreciate your understanding and co-operation throughout this evolving situation. If you have other team members who need access to this information, please share this link to our public website https://tradingsupport.se/coronavirus-update/. We will continue to monitor the situation and we will keep you informed on any significant changes to our policies and procedures

If you have any queries or feedback, please contact us by clicking on the GET IN TOUCH button below